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The University Of Gloucestershire DJ and Dance Music Society
For too many years The University Of Gloucestershire has not been harnessing the musical talents of its students. Things are about to change. In the next year we aim to set up:

Weekly club nights covering all aspects of music, introducing student DJ's alongside established acts.

DJ and scratching contests for the dedicated wrist flexors.

Bar nights playing chilled out and exotic dance grooves from around the world, including live acts.

Socials for Rhythm Revival members

Workshops on DJing skills

Coach trips to clubs around the country.

This society is not solely for DJs. If you are interested in becoming one, or are just into the music, you are welcome to join. If you would like to be involved in any of the above simply send us an email. This society has no hierarchy. "Arrogance and Attitude are Not Welcome"

With your help we can make this happen,

Daniel Boast

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